Only organisations that are innovative, inspiring, and full of engaged people caring for qualitative growth will survive in techno-scientific societies.
Technology, Innovation and collective engagement are always at the center of my teaching and research efforts.
My written research*
Zacharaki, K., Prat-i-Pubill, Q., Nguyen, J., Agell, N., & Agell, N. 2025. Comparing food waste interests and environmental concerns in young adults: A qualitative reasoning approach. Cognitive Systems Research, 89, 101318.
Zacharaki, K., Nguyen, J., Prat-i-Pubill, Q., & Agell, N. 2023. Capturing Young People’s Interest in Food Waste Reduction: An Approach Using Qualitative Reasoning. In I. Sanz, R. Ros, & J. Nin (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence research and development. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence. IOS Press. Link to the article. Link to the publication.
Zacharaki, K., Nguyen, J., Prat-i-Pubill, Q., & Agell, N. 2023. Exploring Emotional Dimensions of Food Waste Perception. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Qualitative Reasoning Workshop.
Agell, N., & Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2023. La Inteligencia Artificial: ¿revolución tecnológica o amenaza existencial? El Momento de La Inteligencia Artificial. Informe Económico y Financiero. ESADE.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2023. IA a les organitzacions sense ànim de lucre.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2020. Revisión del concepto de espiritualidad en la investigación de las organizaciones. Published in Diferencias y contraposiciones entre una espiritualidad de sumisión y una espiritualidad de indagación y creación libre. ISBN:978-84-685-4845-6. English translation of this article.
Prat-i-Pubill,Q. 2019. Re-imagining Management: An Axiological Approach for Knowledge Creation Oriented Organisations. Doctoral Thesis in Management Sciences. The defense presentation. Access to the TDX Universitat Ramon LLull.
Lozano, Bofarull, Waddock & Prat-i-Pubill. 2018. Avoiding the iron cage of business school rankings. Higher Education Policy. Doi: 10.1057/s41307-018-0107-7
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2018. Axiological knowledge in a knowledge driven world. Considerations for organisations. Doctoral Thesis in Philosophy. The defense presentation
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2016. La felicidad y la lógica de las sociedades de conocimiento. Publicado en La orientación final de los proyectos axiológicos colectivos en la sociedad de conocimiento. ISBN: 978-84-686-4407-3
Landfester, U; Brenneche, NT; Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2016. Humanities' Business' and other narratives: how to read the future of management education. ISBN:9780415727372
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2015. You, and your team, can be creative, ESADE Business School corporate blog
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2014. La creatividad en equipo y sus consecuencias: necesidad de desarrollo de la cualidad humana, de la cualidad humana profunda y de los PACs. Propuesta práctica para la educación universitaria en el management. Publicado en La necesidad ineludible del cultivo de la cualidad humana y de la cualidad humana profunda en nuestras sociedades, como una indagación libre en comunicación y en servicio. ISBN: 978-84-686-6047-9.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2014. Creativity the backbone of organization's survival, achieved through Axiological Projects (generators of enthusiasm, motivation, cohesion and shared purposes). A guide for managers and leaders to transit to a creative organization. ESADE Institute for Social Innovation
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. Lozano, JM. 2014. Intervening in collectivities using persuasive argumentation. Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, 5, pp 65-89.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. et al. 2014. Humanities' Business. Unconference Proceedings. Research in management learning and education. ISBN-10: 0980458536 / ISBN-13: 978-0-9804585-3-4.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2013. Motivation, ideologies and Narratives.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q.2013. La educación de la gestión de las organizaciones en las sociedades de conocimiento occidentales. Un problema mal planteado. Publicado en Indagaciones sobre la construcción de una Epistemología axiológica. ISBN: 978-84-686-3798-3.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2012g. The role of stories in the creation and development of axiological projects in organisations. Published in: The Axiological crisis at the heart of all the crises that afflict our world. How to handle it. ISBN:978-84-686-3798-3. En castellano clickar aquí
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2012f. Practical wisdom from India applied in XXI century Europe. Paper presented at the Practical wisdom for management from the Indian Spiritual Traditions, Kozhikode, India. Presentation.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q, 2012e. Sistemas axiológicos del siglo XXI: Un collage. El declive de los sistemas axiológicos de creencias y la coexistencia de creencias variopintas en el mercado espiritual. Revista Horizontes. DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012V10N28P1295.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2012d. La cualidad humana requisito para la creatividad, la innovación y el liderazgo. Consideraciones para empresarios, emprendedores y managers. In J. A. Robles & M. Granés (Eds.), Más allá del tsunami cultural. Marià Corbí, explorador libre de un tránsito inaplazable. Barcelona: Bubok Publishing S.L. ISBN: 978-84-686-0325-4.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2012c. La creatividad empieza con unas preguntas, ESADE Business School Corporate Blog: ESADE.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2012b. Happiness in management, spirituality and religion decisive turning point.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2012a. About happiness: shattering and illusory "house". The radical contribution from SMR to happiness research. Paper presented at the The spiritual challenge in management: what is to be done? Bangalore, India. (TBP). Presentation.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2011b. El declive de los sistemas de creencias y la coexistencia de creencias variopintas en el mercado espiritual. Paper presented at the I Coloquio Internacional Diálogos: presente y futuro de las religiones y la espiritualidad. Sus contextos en Europa y en América Latina, Guadalajara, Mexico. ISBN:978-607-9207-01-4. Presentation (in Spanish).
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2011a. The aristocratic Athenian Investment Banker or how to avoid outdated value systems: values and ethics for business success. Paper presented at the EBEN Annual Conference, Antwerp, Belgium. Presentation.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2010f. The three deaths of ethics. Clarifying the non-mythical epistemology of ethics. A practical view from international institutions. Paper presented at the EBEN UK Annual Conference, London, UK. ISBN: 978-0-9565411-1-6. Presentation.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2010e. La epistemología mítica en la Espiritualidad en la Empresa. Publicado en Consecuencias del final de la Epistemología Mítica. CETR. Barcelona. ISBN: 978-84-686-7475-9
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2010d. La qualitat humana com a fonament del nou lideratge empresarial. Dialogal, Winter 2010.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2010c. La creación de postulados axiológicos, proyectos colectivos y ética en la sociedad del conocimiento post- religional. Paper presented at the 13 Congreso Lationamericano sobre religión y ethnicidad. "Diálogo, ruptura y mediación en contextos religiosos", Granada, España. Presentation (in Spanish).
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2010b. Holistic and humanistic view of business. Why is it necessary? Paper presented at the 16th International symposium on ethics, business and society entitled Facing the crisis. Towards a new humanistic synthesis, Barcelona, Spain. Presentation.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2010a. Business Leadership as intrinsic responsible leadership. Paper presented at the International Conference in Responsible Leadership, Pretoria, South Africa. ISBN: 978-1-86854-784-5. Presentation.
Prat-i-Pubill, Q. 2009. ¿Cómo hablan de Espiritualidad los académicos del Management?. Publicado en La calidad humana fuente de Equidad y Justicia. La herencia de las tradiciones de sabiduría. CETR. Barcelona.
My Teaching (and learning)
Courses for Faculty professors and University Students
Academic teaching*
Courses for university faculty
2022. Participation in Faculty seminar on axiological epistemology - Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla (Mexico) y PUC Minas (Brazil)
2020. Participation in Faculty seminar on axiological epistemology by Marià Corbí - Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla (Mexico). Brochure
2020. Innovation Week - Design thinking applied to educational problems - Faculty - Pacífico Business School (Perú)
2017. “Retos de la sociedad de innovación: cómo construir sistemas de valoración y cohesión colectivos” Professors - Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla - (online) Syllabus
Jointly developed with a team of professors from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
2016. “Taller Imaginación moral” Jointly developed with François Vallaeys. Universidad del Pacífico (Perú). Syllabus.
2012. Creative Leadership. UNIJES: Summer School for professors of Spanish Jesuits' Universities. Course summary, context, theory, and faculty opinions.
2011. Creative Leadership. UNIJES: Summer School for professors of Spanish Jesuits' Universities
University Courses
2024 Artificial Intelligence Rulemakers - Bachelor program - ESADE
2024 Artificial Intelligence for Innovation - Bachelor program - ESADE
2024 Ethics, AI and Digital Successful Careers - Bachelor program - ESADE
2024 Designing innovation in teams - Bachelor program - ESADE
2024 Digital Successful Careers - Ed.2 - Bachelor program - ESADE
2024 Digital Successful Careers - Ed.1 - Bachelor program - ESADE
2024 Management Information Systems - Ed.2 - Bachelor program - ESADE
2024 Management Information Systems - Ed.1 - Bachelor program - ESADE
2024 Innovation and Business Models in Digital Companies - Master in Business Analytics - Course developed with Richard Lagrand. ESADE
2024 Artificial Intelligence Rulemakers - Bachelor program - ESADE
2024 Designing innovation in teams - Bachelor program - ESADE
2024 Artificial Intelligence for an innovation driven society -Bachelor program - ESADE
2024 Human Beings and the Power of Collectives - Bachelor program - ESADE.
2023 Artificial Intelligence Rulemakers - Bachelor program - ESADE
2023 Designing innovation in teams - Bachelor program - ESADE
2023 Artificial Intelligence for an innovation driven society -Bachelor program - ESADE
2023 Technology: Governance of Artificial Intelligence for good - Master program- University of St.Gallen
2023 Leading Persuasively for Innovation - Master in Business Analytics - ESADE
2023 Artificial Intelligence and Global Governance - Bachelor program - ESADE
2023 Designing innovation in teams - Bachelor program - ESADE
2023 Artificial Intelligence for an innovation driven society -Bachelor program - ESADE
2023 Human Beings and the Power of Collectives - Bachelor program - ESADE.
2022 Technology, Ethics and Humanism - Master in Digital Business - ESADE
2022 Artificial Intelligence and Global Governance - Bachelor program - ESADE
2022 Artificial Intelligence for an Innovation driven Society - Bachelor program - ESADE
2022 Governance for, of and by Artificial Intelligence - Bachelor program - ESADE
2022 Creativity: Experimenting with Error, Conflict and Ambiguity - Master program- University of St.Gallen. Syllabus and Students’ feedback.
2022 Everyday Innovation: Designing Innovation in Teams - Bachelor program - ESADE.
2022 Human Beings and the Power of Collectives - Bachelor program - ESADE.
2021 Engaging Teams for Innovation - Bachelor program- University of St.Gallen. Syllabus
2021 Leading Persuasively for Innovation - Master in Business Analytics - ESADE.
2021. Everyday Innovation. Designing innovation in teams - Bachelor program - ESADE. Students’ feedback and comments.
2021. Cognitive Abilities for Team Innovation - PhD Program - Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)- summary - Brochure for participants.
2021. Human beings and the power of collectivities - Bachelor program - ESADE. Students’ feedback and comments.
2020. Innovation Week - Design thinking applied to social and organizational problems - Master Program - Pacífico Business School. Brochure informativo
2020. Human beings and the power of collectivities - Bachelor program - ESADE. Syllabus and student’s feedback (sorry not yet available due to Covid-19 crisis).
2019. Practising Creative Leadership- Master program- Universität St. Gallen. Syllabus and students’ feedback.
2019. El poder de los equipos creativos - Executive education - Pacífico Business School. Syllabus and students' feedback.
2019. Taller de investigación personal para gestores de equipos creativos - Executive education - Pacífico Business School. Syllabus and students' feedback.
2019. Innovation Week - Design thinking applied to social and organizational problems - Master Program - Pacífico Business School.
2019. Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Master Program In Organizational Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Copenhagen Business School (CBS). Syllabus and students’ feedback.
2019. Human beings and the power of collectivities - Bachelor Program - ESADE. Syllabus and students’ feedback.
2018. El poder de los equipos creativos. Creación de proyectos axiológicos para equipos creativos - Executive education - Pacífico Business School. Syllabus and students' feedback.
2018. Taller de investigación personal para gestores de equipos creativos - Executive education - Pacífico Business School. Syllabus and students' feedback.
2018. Innovation Week - Design thinking applied to social and organizational problems - Master Program - Pacífico Business School.
2018. Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Master Program In Organizational Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Copenhagen Business School (CBS). Syllabus and students' feedback.
2018. The power of Collectivities -Bachelor Program - ESADE. Syllabus and students' feedback.
2017. Re- Imagining Environmental Entrepreneurship - Master Program - Copenhagen Business School (CBS). Syllabus and qualitative feedback.
2017. “Gestión de la colaboración y las motivaciones de los grupos y equipos” - Executive Education - Universidad del Pacífico. Syllabus and Feedback.
2017. “Libertad para crear” - Executive Education - Universidad del Pacífico. Syllabus and Feedback.
2016. Steps to creativity. Creative leadership in organizations - Bachelor Course. University of St. Gallen. Syllabus and Students evaluations of this course.
2016. “Gestión de la colaboración y las motivaciones de los grupos y equipos”- Executive Education - Universidad del Pacífico. Syllabus and Feedback.
2016. “Libertad para crear” -Executive Education- Universidad del Pacífico. Syllabus and Feedback.
2016. “Sé creativo! Práctica en el desarrollo creativo”Bachelor - Universidad del Pacífico. Syllabus and Feedback.
2016 “Creativity Leadership Workshop”- Part of the Responsible Global Leadership Seminar (RGL) CEMS MIM program - ESADE. Syllabus.
2015. Practising Creative Leadership. Master Course. University of St. Gallen. Please see Syllabus and Feedback.
2015. Freedom to create. Creativity in organizations. Executive Course - Universidad del Pacífico. Syllabus and Students evaluations of this course.
2015. Steps to creativity. Creative leadership in organizations - Bachelor Course. University of St. Gallen. Please see Syllabus and Students evaluations of this course.
2014. Practising Creative Leadership - Master Course. St. Gallen University. Please see Syllabus and Students evaluations of the course.
2013. Creativity and Innovation. Capacities for Leadership. Fifth Course Edition. BBA program course 2012-2013. ESADE Business School . Syllabus. Course Poster summary.
2013. Creativity and Innovation. Capacities for Leadership. Fourth Course Edition. BBA program course 2012-2013. ESADE Business School. Explanation and valuation of the 5 course editions (Spanish). Pedagogical and disciplinary approach of the course “creativity and innovation, capacities for leadership” (English).
2013. Social Leadership. Third Course EditionBBA program - Bachelor program - ESADE Business School. Course Poster summary. Explanation and evaluation of the 3 course editions. Featured in the 2014 ESADE’s PRME report. Prize for pedagogical and social innovation.
2012. Creativity and Innovation. Capacities for Leadership - Bachelor program - Third Course Edition. ESADE Business School. Feedback summary.
2012. Creativity and Innovation. Capacities for Leadership. Intensive edition - Bachelor program. Second Course Edition. ESADE Business School.
2012. Social Leadership. Second Course Edition. BBA program. ESADE Business School.
2012. Social Leadership. First Course Edition. BBA program.ESADE Business School. Summary.
2011. Creativity and Innovation. Capacities for leadership - BBA program - ESADE Business School.
Public Speaking *
2023 Video for EU Project HEDY Life in the Artificial Intelligence Era. The impact of AI on Governance.
2021 Podcast in European Cannabis Voices representing focused on the situation of medical cannabis access in Spain. Link to the podcast
2020 The situation of Medical Cannabis in Spain representing Event organised by ECAN. Presentation
2020 Medical Cannabis in Spain representing Global Cannabis Conference organised by Prohibition Partners. 17-20th November. Link to the conference’s website
2020 Change as an axis for innovation. Webinar Pacífico Business School. Presentation
2020 Investigating error. Webinar Pacífico Business School. Presentation
2020 Orientations for teams’ engagement. Webinar Pacífico Business School. Presentation - Infographic
2020 Cannabmed 2020 - 3rd Medical Cannabis Congress 6th and 7th October 2020. Representing the patients’ union ( Presentation and link to the Congress for the 7th of October
2020 New organizational designs post-covid-19. Webinar Pacífico Business School. Presentation - Infographic
2019. What did we learn about disciplines, knowledge and management? Transformative management education. Re-imagining management and management education?. Onwards and upwards international workshop. University of St. Gallen 13-15th of November. Presentation.
2019. Interdependent teams, the origin of innovation and creativity 8th November 2019. XXVI Congreso Interamericano de Gestión Humana. Lima-Perú - “Agile people in Agile organizations. The sustainable recipe”. Programme, presentation, and video
2019. Los equipos en interdependencia fundamento de la innovación y la creatividad. 14th of August. Pacífico Business School.
2018. Regulación del Cannabis terapéutico, representando a la UPRC. Col·legi de Farmacèutics de Barcelona. 11 Diciembre 2018. Link a la presentación en vídeo y aquí link a la presentación en pdf.
2018. Regulación del Cannabis para uso médico. Representando a la Unión de Pacientes por la Regulación del Cannabis (“UPRC”). Congreso de los Diputados España. 18 Octubre 2018. Programa y Presentación en pdf y (link en youtube, 2:26:00).
2018. ¿Es nuestro conocimiento axiológico adecuado para la sociedad de conocimiento?. Agosto. Pacífico Business School.
This video is about the skill I consider more important to develop for anyone today. It is my contribution to my colleague's course at HEC Lausanne"Cities of Tomorrow"
2017. Nuestra comprensión del mundo obstaculiza la innovación. Propuesta práctica para el desarrollo en la empresa. Agosto. Universidad del Pacífico.
2017. La promoción de la creatividad en las organizaciones. Bases y problemas. Agosto. Universidad del Pacífico.
2016. La actual conciencia errónea de uno mismo tiene consecuencias prácticas negativas para la vida cotidiana, la profesional y la gestión de empresas. Miércoles 10 Agosto. Universidad del Pacífico.
2015. Las bases del desarrollo creativo. Jueves 6 Agosto. Universidad del Pacífico.
Re - imagining work in organizations
Building collective creative caring promising futures
“in a specialised economy, with rapidly changing knowledge, organizations are strong if team members are able to create knowledge in a collective setting. How to do it? We depend on each other. ”
Re-imagining work in organizations* - Building collective creative caring promising futures
2015. PPG Workshop: " Creative Efficacy".
2011. Ibinser team. Entrepreneurial and Team Spirit Challenges.
2011. Ibinser team. Entrepreneurial and Team Spirit Introduction. Third Edition. (Information in Catalan).
2011. Ibinser team. Entrepreneurial and team Spirit Introduction. Second Edition.
2010. Ibinser team. Entrepreneurial and Team Spirit Introduction (together with Teresa Guardans). First Edition.
My life work experience
My work experience*
2021 - Now ESADE Lecturer in creativity and innovation
2017- 2021 Copenhagen Business School Lecturer in creativity and entrepreneurship.
2013 - 2016 Universität St.Gallen. I worked on understanding how humanities and social sciences could and should be integrated in management education. Also I continued developing my courses and research on creativity and the development of collective motivations.
2008 - 2013 ESADE. I worked on innovating by developing the social leadership course for BSc in Management, involving more than 1000 students.
2008 - 2010 SHE Foundation. Management and development of the healthy lifestyle program pioneered by Dr. Valentí Fuster and world acclaimed chef Mr. Ferran Adrià.
2006 - 2008 Cherry. Analysis of investment projects in Biofuels. Business development in IT services. Business development in purchase and sale of industrial machinery.
2003 - 2006 Med-building. Investment manager for internationalization in Eastern Europe. Raised total 1.2 million euros in equity. Final investment in development of tourist apartments in Bratislava (Slovakia).
2001 - 2002 Reuters. Responsible for investments and development of new products for media, television and internet in Europe.
1994 - 1999 JPMorgan. Associate. Worked in Fixed Income, M&A and Equity Derivatives. Performed diverse banking roles.
My education*
2019 - PhD Cum Laude in Management Sciences ESADE.
2018 - PhD in Philosophy Copenhagen Business School.
2009 - Master of Research ESADE.
1994 - Master CEMS HEC (Hautes Études Commerciales)
1994 - Lemberg program in International Economics and Finance. Brandeis University.
1989 - 1994 Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business Administration ESADE.
I speak fluently: Catalan, Spanish and English. I can work in: French, Italian and Portuguese. I have notions of: German
Volunteer work*
I collaborated and collaborate with diverse civic initiatives related to sustainability awareness and democratic participation. I am also an active advocate for the legalisation of cannabis for medical purposes, in 2017 I set up together with friends this non-profit:
Grants, Prizes and Funding*
Aristos Campus Mundus 2013 Prize for innovative teaching practices (document and video).
Special thanks to two undisclosed benefactors for IT and books funding.
ESADE Social Innovation Institute
Thank you for your interest!